
Get our Digital Privacy Guide for FREE

59,434 people reported being spied on in July of 2017

Get your privacy back.

Order a CamCover

Webcam Cover

This is a Cam Cover it’s very simple to apply, it doesn’t affect your device’s design and functionality, it’s compatible to any device, works very simply, just slide left or right.
“One of the best solutions yet."
“One of the best solutions yet."
“One of the best solutions yet."

Privacy Matters

From NSA to pervs and hackers, the odds are - you've already been spied on 🕵️.
It does not matter, whether or not you have anything to hide. One thing stays true - you will be actively thinking about all the "what ifs" 🤔. Well, and if no, then you should consider educating yourself 👨‍🏫 a bit more on the topic.

Our Solution

If you already use stickers or post-its, congrats!  🎉 You decided to take your privacy into your own hands. That’s a great first step.
Now, what would Jony Ive, Apple’s 🍏 Chief Designer (yes that voiceover guy), say about you sticking tape on the masterpiece that took billions of dollars to design 😠?  Don’t worry, we won’t tell.

“It's as simple as Tinder 🔥.

Boom! Installed in 2 seconds!
Slide to open or close

The Product

“As people passionate about design and aesthetics 👩‍🎨, we can't afford our "work machines" to look unprofessional and bad 🕴. After all, our devices stands for who we are.
Blends perfectly with any device
Doesn’t affect closing of laptop
Holds strong on device
No glue residue
Easy to use and instal

Our Solution

It fits, works and closes perfectly on the new MacBook Pros Touch Bar Apple laptops.

Simple in Use

It fits, works and closes perfectly on the new MacBook Pros Touch Bar Apple laptops.
Seems like Mark also needs one  🤔
Protect Your Privacy
We deliver Interplanetary 🌏⚡️

Choose Your Option:

I'm Single
+ $5 Delivery
Get your privacy back on your laptop or phone.
Cyber Threesome
Free Delivery
Yes, that's what I am talking about. Get ALL of your devices protected. It's worth it. And yes, you may have an extra Cam Cover left for your boyfriend 💁‍♂️/girlfriend 🙋, spouse 👰 or good amigo🕺.


"Privacy online these days is everything. It's almost impossible to get your digital privacy back. Once you lose it, you lose it. Cam Covers is a cheap and simple insurance policy. This product goes beyond protection: it give me the freedom of mind and enables me to focus on what's truly important."
- Renat Gabitov, CMO at CrowdTap
"Privacy online these days is everything. It's almost impossible to get your digital privacy back. Once you lose it, you lose it. Cam Covers is a cheap and simple insurance policy. This product goes beyond protection: it give me the freedom of mind and enables me to focus on what's truly important."
- Renat Gabitov, CMO at CrowdTap
"Privacy online these days is everything. It's almost impossible to get your digital privacy back. Once you lose it, you lose it. Cam Covers is a cheap and simple insurance policy. This product goes beyond protection: it give me the freedom of mind and enables me to focus on what's truly important."
- Renat Gabitov, CMO at CrowdTap

Why Privacy Metters